The Upswing
Planet Fitness® has gone to great lengths to provide its members with a friendly
space to work out. We call it the Judgment Free Zone. We discourage weight
dropping and obnoxious grunting so you can focus on your own workout and not the
person next to you.-Planet Fitness Web Page
I was a little put off by this message. Idealists make me want to vomit sometimes. "Judgment-Free Zone"? What is this, middle school? But it's $10 with no year long commitments so I compromised my realist morals and went to check it out.
Planet Fitness was somewhat difficult to find. I had to circle around behind an asian strip mall named Eden Center. After passing all of the loading docks and random storefronts where mobsters wash their money, I found Planet Fitness under the main level next to a place named "Diamond." I was drawn to Diamond like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it was the 8 foot by 2 foot scrolling multi-colored marquee announcing the exciting arrival of "Kim Jua" or the large blue neon sign with the "A" replaced with a princess-cut diamond (Sidenote: I had a dream that largely had to do with diamonds last night, favorite quote from dream: "'When your friend showed me that diamond I realized it was from a funeral parlor you shady crook!' 'How can you tell??' 'Because it's made of white cement!' I point to a diamond which is clearly a piece of sidewalk"). However, my instincts told me I would stand out like a sore thumb at an underground Pai Gow parlor for triad members. Drawing myself away, I entered next door at Planet Fitness.
I now know where Barney the Dinosaur works out. Purple was everywhere in an annoying fashion. And i'm not talking acceptable and cool Donatello purple, I'm saying "hot purple", hot pink's retarded cousin. But, since it was a judgment free zone, I tolerated it to go up to the front desk. The people that worked the front desk can best be described as disinterested mexican children who probably can't even help their parents with the groceries because the milk jug is too heavy. A "tour" was given where the little girl just pointed at areas saying "that's where the machines are, in that room is free weights, and that room is for 30 minute work outs." I inquired about the 30 minute work out room and apparently it's exactly like the program my mom goes to, 'Curves', where you do each work out for about 30 seconds. They totally ripped off curves. The coup de grace was when she pointed out the tanning rooms. "Of course, unlimited tanning is included in our membership." Wait a second. Tanning has no scientifically proven health benefits. The only reason to go to a tanning salon, especially for a male, is to look like a "jersey guido" (guy from Fitness First said that). Further, tanning is for being vain. Having tanning rooms in the gym implies that the gym is there so people can stroke their vanity and are therefore judging themselves in a judgment free zone which opens the floor for me to judge them and then judge planet fitness as a dud. The mexican children handed me a couple sheets of paper with the schedules on them and basically "muchos gulps eh? whelp, sayonara"'d me into the streets. No sales pitch or nothing. I guess they judged me an unfit candidate after my visible disgust at the tanning rooms.
Long story short, I impulsively drove straight from there to Fitness First and joined immediately. I worked out so hard that I slept for 14 hours and dreamt of diamonds.
First Slump
The Warmup

I then move onto situps or, more appropriately named, crunches. These aren't your garden variety crunches though, they have a slight twist which I learned from growing up with sisters and a mother who would do "Abs of STEEL" workouts. Basically, my feet never touch the ground and my legs crunch in as my torso crunches in. I believe it's called a total body crunch. I call them situps. I also do alternating situps as were mentioned in an earlier post. They involve pointing the elbow to the opposite knee on each crunch, alternating left and right elbow each time, and only pulling up one leg at a time. I did do these to exhaustion before but now I just do them to the second crampy feeling because it feels like I can go forever just because I probably change how I do them during the crampy feelings.

Kim Jong-il is a trained professional, please do not attempt to drink and neck roll at home.
An important stretch that I neglected to do before I was injured a week back is an excellent one for the back of the knee. There are several variations of this stretch and some may be more effective than others, but I use them interchangeably. If you have a wall, you can place the bottom of your foot against the wall and then lean forward into the wall, feeling it in the back of your leg. If you have a partner, you can use the bottom of their foot. Another way is to do a lunge, effectively using the ground. If I have an attractive and nice smelling partner, I prefer the second way, otherwise a lunge will do since I messed up the paint in my last apartment with the wall way.

You should feel it where the red arrow points.
"On your butts, butterfly." A butterfly stretch is where you put the bottoms of your feet together, pull them into your crotchal region, and then push down on your knees. Althought your knees are shaped like butterfly wings and can flap, don't flap during the stretch lest you want a groin injury. When the ground was wet, we'd do "spidermans" instead. I actually prefer spiderman because there is less flapping possibility and less of a chance for mr. dan to come out and acquaint himself with others. To do the spiderman, get on your haunches and put your arms between your knees. Then push out with your elbows. The next picture is pretty creepy, the squeamish should avert their eyes if they don't want to have nightmares of a Kim Jong-il spider.

Dammit Kim, I'm all out of poop baggies.
I then finish it up with a sitting reach to my toes. Basically it's one of those "it's on the test" things. Remember in gym class when you'd have to sit at that box and reach as far as you could? I thought those days were over. But then I joined Lifetime Fitness a couple years back and for the fitness test to see your starting point, they used that same box. I hate that box. I was completely unprepared. I vowed to never be caught unprepared again, so I throw in the stretch for good measure. I also do one leg to the side at a time stretch, but it may just be superfluous.
You graduated with honors... well you just barely passed, but you're in. You're in the university of stretching.
I've heard some rumors of stretching being unnecessary and other tales that you should stretch both before and after working out. I took the middle road and just stretch before working out. It's relaxing, feels good, and I'm pretty sure it diminishes my chances of injury. I yearn for the days of group stretching circles and my fantasies of leading them, and perhaps will one day realize that dream. For now the warmup is just something I do on my apartment floor before I work out, but one day it will be a social event again. Mark my words.
P.S. I borrowed Jordan's idea of cutting up and using dictators in an amusing fashion. His blog is hilarious and can be found at: http://jaharriman.blogspot.com/ .