First Slump

I'm in a slump. I haven't done any real training in a week, aside from playing basketball. Pretty much my life as a whole is in a trough right now, including the stock market, but it's no big deal. It's just the normal oscillation of life. I'm going to join fitness first since it isn't too expensive and my friends Monty and Eric have joined it. Joining a gym will help me with a missing key piece in my plan, having a workout partner. I'll just take a step back, reorganize a bit, and jump back and hold on to the ride of the next upswing. Hopefully I can get slingshot into a more continuously positive-sloped path. Here's some inspirational tips on how to deal with the ups and downs of exercising: http://zenhabits.net/2008/02/17-fitness-truths-to-get-you-in-great-shape/.


Danielle said...

I like the zen habits website. Another one you should check out is: www.peoplejam.com/node/322

triblog carol said...

Two tips to help motivate you (besides your idea of training partners)...

1) Actually sign up for a race and pay the fee. That way you are committed!

2) have a written training plan geared toward the above mentioned race. check off stuff as you go along. That is very satisfying for me.

Happy workouts!