The First Chart

Part of my training includes stretching and doing pushups and situps (crunches) before hitting the machines. Sometimes I feel like I can do a million situps, and therefore I think I must be performing them in the most girly girl of ways most days. But it's kinda hard to fuck up push ups, and I feel they can be an accurate measure of my progress. Yesterday I was finally able to do 50 consecutive push ups and feel that is an important milestone. Here's a chart with my "Calisthenics" progress so far. Alternating situps are situps that alternate between going to the left and right knees.

Must've been a full moon on the 13th...

Once I start actually training, I will join a gym instead of using the rinky-dink apartment gym. My previous experience in joining a gym (Lifetime Fitness) was a good albeit expensive one. I started going 3 to 5 times a week. However, I moved to Rosslyn 4 months after joining the gym and the closest lifetime was over 30 miles away. Paying money is definitely a motivator to go to the gym more often. There is a gym called Planet Fitness across the street which is only $10 per month. But, their website is very pink and purple and they're very big on a "Judgment Free Zone" which sounds sort of like "Don't ask, Don't tell." Fitness First is a brand new gym also very close that is about $30 per month and has a bunch of included classes (I would do the 6:30 AM boot camp), which Planet Fitness does not have. Another choice is the Gold's Gym about a mile and a half away since I have a couple friends that already go there. But I'd be least likely to go to Gold's Gym since I'd have to drive to get there. None of the gyms have a pool, so I'm going to have to figure that part out.

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